Problems faced by Girl Child in India
Because they are girls!
Being a girl child is itself considered a problem in many parts of the world. But actually, these discriminations of girl and boy child are coming from past experiences. These experiences are followed till now in various regions. Even people with educational backgrounds also follow the same past experiences that showcase differences between the girl child and the boy child. The analytics show that girl child ratios are decreasing day by day, this is because of the people thinking of just having a boy child. There is a strong myth which is followed that a boy child is important so that their surname keeps going. but why do people can’t understand that they are just showcasing this wrong, if they want they can continue their surname with their daughters too.
Not only have the outside discrimination girls faced this kind of discrimination in their homes also. How breaking this can be that they are even discriminated against in their homes. When the people outside discriminate that is less heartbreaking because they don’t know the person closely but when the same thing happens in their houses, it is heartbreaking to see.
Problems faced by Girl Child
Read more to know about the various aspects that are related to a girl child. You can see some of the writeups based onladki se Kaise Baat kare. People now are two-faced, they don’t need a girl child when a baby is taking birth, but they want a good-looking, and good-personality daughter-in-law for their sons. This is again a very cheap thing society can do for girls. The major question that arises is if sons are everything to your so-called surname? Then why is there a need for a daughter in law? The very simple answer which justifies everything is that people don’t want girl children but they are incomplete without girl children. Your surname can’t be extended if you don’t marry your son with a girl. So girls are a very important part of everyone’s life.
Now the major discriminations are not just limited this way. Girl children in our society are discriminated against every single day and in every single aspect. Now when the person has to take up the girl child that is born they are just not provided with proper medications, care, love, and respect they deserve or need as a newborn child. Slowly when they grow up they are just taught that you are meant to be at houses and work with your mother. You are not meant for going outside with your friends, you can’t go to school for studying. These all discriminations are held in almost every part especially in the least grown-up areas like rural areas where there are no updates. So there is a need to fresh up the minds to have a better experience and better thinking.
The other major problems in terms of education that are generally faced by girls are majorly based on society. Society is the one creating problems especially in the life of a girl child. Some of them are listed below for your reference.
- Poverty: Poverty and gender-based discrimination is the major problem in this whole process. That is the unequal opportunities for girls as compared to boys. Girls are encouraged to work at home and are forced to drop down early from school for marriage and other related purposes.
- Distance of schools from Homes: It is usually seen that girl children are restricted to go to schools due to the distance of the schools from homes. They are not allowed to cover such large distances alone so they have to sit back at home forcefully.
- Lack of sanitation: In earlier times, it was seen that there was a lack of toilets in schools due to which girl children were restricted from going to school. Not only the thinking of society needs to be uplifted, but the infrastructure also needs to be upgraded as per the minimum requirements. So that not even a single girl child has to deal with such problems in the future. There are no proper washrooms for girl children and if there are proper washrooms they are not at all well maintained. There is a lack of sanitation which further causes problems.
- Very few Female Teachers: Teachers are the ones with whom we can share all our problems. But when it turns out to discuss some private problems, especially for girls they are comfortable discussing that with female teachers. Because there is a level of comfort as compared to male teachers. But as per the records, there are a lesser number of female teachers in various schools as compared to male teachers. This becomes extremely difficult to handle at times.
- Early Marriage: As per the records the major concern today is early marriage especially for the girls. Girls are forcefully married early irrespective of their interest in studies. Because people think that they are meant for managing the household works.