Wearing masks is a pain in the ears – Follow these tips
We as a whole need to do our part to help moderate the spread of corona virus, and as indicated by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, that incorporates wearing a non-clinical face covering in broad daylight.
Wearing a mask is very important to avoid the corona virus. There is only one way to avoid this infection and that is wearing a mask, but nowadays, wearing masks is causing a problem and that is the problem of ear pain. Many people are experiencing problems behind their ears. Wearing masks is difficult due to problems like redness of the ears, burning sensation and pain, but wearing masks is also necessary in this epidemic. Therefore, if you also have pain problems due to wearing an ear mask, then today we tell you some tips to get relief from pain. Which will be very beneficial for you.
Wear a homemade mask
The problem of ear pain is mostly coming to those who are wearing market masks. So if possible, wear a mask of homemade clothes. The lanyard of the market mask is of elastic, which is causing redness and pain in the ear and at the same time, home made masks are made of cloth, so it reduces ear pain.
Use ice
If you work in the office, then you are asked to wear a mask all day in the office, in such a situation, when you come home in the evening, you have a pain in your ears, in such a way, you should use ice. Apply a piece of ice behind the ear and massage it for a while, it will give you relief in pain.
Use Saver clip
You can use Saver clip to get relief from the complaint of pain behind the ear from the mask. With this you can tie your mask in this clip, it will not cause any problem in your ear.