When Is It Essential to Repipe a House, and How is the Process Done?

With every passing year, house owners are expected to face plumbing problems. Plumbing emergencies lead to unexpected expenses and stress. While the advent of the internet and availability of plumbing tools helped people to solve their household plumbing repairs, these DIY plumbing kits came handy to solve minor leaks and repairs. However, issues like leaky pipes are best left to the experts. Your efforts to save money by handling the plumbing repairs on your own might actually end you up spending more in the long run. Also, neglecting any kind of plumbing issue for long will cause inconvenience for your whole family. If there is a problem with burst pipes, a simple repair may not be enough. You may have to get your entire home repiped. Repiping your property can be a costly and time consuming affair. It is best to avoid doing this job on your own and let experienced plumbers do repiping services. You need to have a proper plumbing license in place to do this job as it requires demolition, reconstruction, plumbing etc.
In this article we will talk about the exact time for repiping your home and how to proceed with this entire process.
When Is It Essential to Repipe a House?
Complete repiping of your home will burn a hole in your pocket. However, this unexpected expense can be averted if you know when exactly repiping of your home is necessary. It will not only save your money and time, but will also preserve the condition of your home. Here are some essential cases that require repiping and help of experts to execute this job.
Age of the structure
Older structures come with greater need for complete repiping of homes. If your home is over 20 years or more, you should consider getting your piping system evaluated by experts to check if you need new piping. With time, the pipes get corroded and start leaking. Regular maintenance checks by plumbers will avert this problem.
Leaky Pipes
If you are facing multiple pipe leaks, it is an indication of a greater issue. Multiple pipe leaks are a signal that there are bigger plumbing issues that need your attention. It is best to repipe your house once you start facing the problem of multiple leaks. It saves your money and time if you completely repipe your home rather than repairing every leak.
Discoloured or cloudy water
If you notice cloudy or coloured water (red and brown) coming out of your taps, it is crucial for you to replace the piping of your home immediately. Red or brown water is a result of rusting pipes. This rusted water negatively impacts the quality of your home’s water. Instead of getting along by using this contaminated water, it is best for you to contact plumbers to repipe your property.
Low water pressure
Continuous low water pressure can be alarming especially if the problem is not at the source of water supply. If you are facing the problem of low water pressure, then it is a sign of your pipes narrowing down. This occurs because of building up of rust or other debris. Overtime, your pipes get accumulated with debris, narrowing down the pipes, until they get completely closed. The only solution out of this problem is repiping of your property.
Process of repiping a house
As mentioned earlier, repiping your entire house is time-consuming and a laborious process. Before proceeding with repiping your house, it is best to get it inspected by a repipe specialist. This step is crucial to know the plumbing problems that need to be addressed. A repipe specialist will also provide you with possible solutions for your problem along with an estimated cost for the same.
Taking the above mentioned factors like age of your structure, the specialist may advise a complete repiping or repiping of a single section of your plumbing system. Repiping your entire house may prove cost effective compared to replacing different sections of your plumbing system. Whole house repiping needs a local work permit. It is the job of the contractor to get this permit in order to proceed with the project. The contractor will include the costs of getting permits in the overall project estimate. After getting the permit, the plumber or repiping specialist will suggest you material options for repiping of your home. Amongst the available options, PEX pipes seem to have several advantages over the others. PEX pipes are flexible and light in weight. They are easy to install in existing water line pathways, which requires smaller wall openings. The work can also be executed sooner.
During the whole process of repiping, plumbers will cover their work area with plastic sheets to prevent floor damage. They have special tools that help them determine the exact location of the pipes behind the walls. They will then make an opening in the drywall to access your pipes. The pipes in the floor are generally reached from the basement or the ceiling. Once done with their job, plumbers clean up the plumbing mess and restore your home to its previous condition, with a leak-free plumbing system.
Repiping your home gets hassle free if you choose the right professionals to execute this job. Be sure to collect all the details about the materials they use, their experience and the total time they take to get the job done. If you are looking for Repipe Orange County, learn more if you Need Repipe Orange County.